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How to cite the FAIRe guidelines

Please note that the manuscript is currently under peer review. We will provide updates here as the review progresses.

"Takahashi, M., Frøslev, T.G., Paupério, J., Thalinger, B., Klymus, K., Helbing, C.C., Villacorta-Rath, C., Silliman, K., Thompson, L.R., Jungbluth, S.P., Yong, S.Y., Formel, S., Jenkins, G., Laporte, M., Deagle, B., Rajbhandari, S., Jeppesen, T.S., Bissett, A., Jerde, G., Hahn, E., Schriml, L.M., Hunter, C., Newman, P., Woollard, P., Harper, L.R., Dunn, N., West, K., Haderlé, R., Wilkinson, S., Acharya-Patel, N., Lopez, M.L.D., Cochrane, G., Berry, O. (in review) A metadata checklist and data formatting guidelines to make eDNA FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable)"